
Parenting Moody Kids – 7 Basic Principles You Can Use

Tips for Moody Kids
As a mom of two, I know that moody kids can be challenging. I will share practical tips on nurturing, communication, and stress management to help improve your child's mood.

What can you do if you have moody kids? Children of any age can be moody, and often when kids have not learned ways to express appropriately frustration, sulking, pouting, and whining can occur. Sometimes it can be frustrating to deal with a child that is moody and you may be asking yourself what you can do to deal with this problem. The solution to the problem is going to have a lot to do with you as a parent. In fact, if you are responding to this behavior, you may be encouraging it to go on, although that is not your intent. To help you deal with a child that is moody, here are some important principles that you can use to make a difference in your child’s attitude.

1. Make Sure You’re Nurturing Your Child

The first thing you need to do when parenting moody kids is to make sure that you are nurturing your child. Sometimes it is easy to forget to take quality time with your child. Parental attention provides stabilization for your child. Make sure that you and your spouse are both giving your child enough one on one time to avoid this problem.

2. Ensure Your Home is a Place Where Your Child Can Safely Express Themselves

moody kids - teen sitting and not in a great moodAnother important principle to remember is to ensure your home is a place where your child can safely express themselves. Even if your child has different views, they should feel like they are able to express themselves freely to you. Sometimes kids that are moody and pouty often choose this behavior because they feel that they can’t say the things that they want to, so they use a passive method to show their displeasure. Making your child feel that communication, even when opinions differ, is safe within your home can make a huge difference.

3. Come Up with Other Methods of Expression Together

When you notice that your child is being moody, sit down and come up with other methods of expression together. Instead of them to create drama in the home with their mood, come up with alternate methods of communication. Bring to their attention the fact that they are sulking or pouting, and encourage them to express themselves in a verbal way to you. Let them know that you won’t respond to these negative actions and let your child know that he has to come up with a better way to communicate.

4. Avoid Overreacting and Giving The Behavior Power

When your child is being moody, you need to avoid overreacting and giving the bad behavior power. The best thing that you can do for moody kids is to simply ignore this behavior so your child realizes that this behavior will not get them what they want. If you continue to acknowledge the behavior, it will continue. However, many times simply ignoring it will make this behavior die off.

5. Work to Keep Stress at a Minimum

It’s important that you work to keep stress at a minimum within your home as well. While stress often rolls right off many kids, there are some kids that are more affected by it. Kids that are anxious or moody are often affected by stress, which can make this problem even worse. Try to avoid expectations that are inappropriate, over scheduling your child, and other things that cause them stress. Anger is one of the main things that will stress out children, so do your best to avoid showing anger, even though dealing with a moody child can be quite frustrating.

6. Make Sure Your Child Gets Proper Nutrition

You also need to make sure that your child is getting the proper nutrition. Kids that aren’t eating right often have mood issues. Making sure that they eat a good diet and that they get the nutrients they need from a quality multi vitamin can help you ensure they are getting everything that their body needs. There are even some specific supplements that may be able to help. Specific nutrients that can be beneficial for kids with mood problems include B vitamins and essential fatty acids. If your child is low on their B vitamins, studies have shown that this can affect mood negatively. Adding a B complex supplement can help. It is possible low levels of vitamin B could be linked to depression. Essential fatty acids as well can help, which kids can get from fish oils. Always check with your family physician before changing a childs diet or giving them any supplements.

7. Moody Kids? Have a Special Time for Complaining

little girl and mom talkingHaving a special time that is just for complaining in your home can be helpful as you are parenting moody kids. Have a certain time during the day when your child is allowed to complain and talk about the things that are bothering them. Only allow this to go for 10 minutes. Once the time is over, the complaining is over until the next day. When there is a certain time for complaining, kids will have to start working to find something they want to complain about, which means they’ll eventually stop complaining and whining. When they are moody or complaining, have them write down the problem and keep it until the next special time for complaining.


With moody kids as with all kids it is important to look out for any signs of depression. If your childs moodiness becomes worse, is consistent or does not seem to get better, it can lead into depression, so it is important to seek medical attention.

A moody child can be difficult to parent, but when you have a good strategy for dealing with this behavior, it can make a big difference. If you have moody kids use of these basic principles and you may see some positive changes with your child.


How should I react when my child is being moody?

Try not to overreact or give their behavior power. Instead, calmly address the issue or simply ignore the behavior, showing them that it won’t get them what they want. Consistency is key to changing this behavior.

What alternative methods of expression can I suggest to my moody child?

Work together with your child to find more constructive ways to communicate their feelings, such as talking calmly, writing in a journal, or using art to express emotions. Encourage verbal communication and discourage sulking or pouting.

How can I create a safe space for my child to express their feelings?

Encourage open communication in your home, even if your child has different opinions or views. Let them know that it’s okay to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

How can I ensure I’m nurturing my moody child effectively?

Make sure to spend quality one-on-one time with your child, providing them with the attention and support they need. Both parents should be involved in nurturing the child to create a stable environment.

How can proper nutrition affect my child’s mood?

A balanced diet and essential nutrients like B vitamins and essential fatty acids can positively impact your child’s mood. Consider providing them with a quality multivitamin and, if necessary, supplements like B complex or fish oils to support their overall well-being. Always check with your family physician before changing your childs diet or adding supplements.

Sara Thompson

Hi! I’m Sara Thompson, and Lily and Max, my two amazing kids, keep me on my toes every single day. I’ve discovered my calling by educating people about the rewards and difficulties of parenthood. I also have a passion for personal growth. I hope to encourage, motivate, and assist other parents in their endeavors through my writing.

I love exploring outdoors, reading thought-provoking books, and experimenting with new dishes in the kitchen when I’m not chasing after my active kids or sharing my parenting experiences.

My goal as a supporter of love, laughter, and learning is to improve people’s lives by imparting the knowledge I’ve gleaned from being a parent and a lifelong learner.

Every problem, in my opinion, offers a chance for development, and parenting is no different. I try to raise my children in a healthy and loving environment by embracing a touch of humor, a whole lot of empathy, and consistency in our parenting journey.


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  • Wow! Thank you for sharing this one. I have now the idea on what to do on my parenting. It really helps.!

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