Help More4kids Make the World a Better Place in 2017
“A Christmas Carol” has been an enduring classic since it was first released more than 170 years ago. It’s the ultimate story of redemption, a tale of why kindness needs to win, and why it’s everybody’s responsibility to look out for their fellow man and make this world a better place. That was a powerful message when Charles Dickens first wrote the novel, and it remains every bit as important today.
The world needs our help
There’s a lot of reasons to worry when we look at the headlines every day. There is so much divisiveness and hate not only in our country, but the world. It’s easy to think that most people are bad when you’re bombarded with stories about terrorists, school violence and police shootings.
But, deep down, most people aren’t bad – they’re good, even the ones who may have forgotten it for a while.
So we’re issuing a challenge, and we’re drawing our inspiration from a well-known quote that both you and your kids may recognize from a beloved children’s movie.
“So shines a good deed in a weary world.” – Willy Wonka, “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.”
Let’s remind everyone that while the world may indeed be weary, the spirit of mankind isn’t. We’re better than this and it’s time for us to prove it.
Take our kindness challenge
Our 2017 challenge is to show kindness, compassion and understanding to those who least expect it. It doesn’t have to be a grand, life-changing gesture – sometimes a simple act is just as powerful. There’s an opportunity to make a difference every day, and sometimes you don’t even realize you’re doing it when it happens. What might be an insignificant moment to you, however, can be life-changing for the person who benefits from it.
What we’re asking is small, but it has the potential to cause a big ripple. Do something nice for someone when you can throughout the course of the year. Better yet, focus on a small act every day so you can reach 365 acts of kindness this year. People will notice the changes you’re making, and they’ll notice the change in you. A funny thing happens when we start to think of others and we look for ways to be kind, we become kinder to ourselves in the process. We become happier because we’ve lightened someone else’s load.
Our challenge is open to individuals of any age. We invite families, organizations and schools to join us in our quest. Children will enjoy finding ways to bring happiness to a person’s day, and they’ll likely be the most creative of all in finding ways to do it. Long after 2017 has come and gone, they’ll remember that one special year where kindness was the resolution. They’ll remember the faces they helped and the smiles they created.
The More4kids kindness challenge doesn’t have to be boring or serious – it shouldn’t be a chore, it should be fun. So go ahead, get creative with it, and let us know how you’re doing. Use the hashtag #more4kidskindness on Twitter to tell us about your act of kindness. We’d love to see pictures of your feats or YouTube videos of the big moment.
If you aren’t on Twitter, you can clue us in through the comments section for this article or on our contact form. We can’t wait to hear about you making the world a better place, one act at a time. We’ll feature people’s acts of kindness on our website and in social media to inspire others. By submitting articles, pictures, videos etc to us or using the hashtag you give us permission to spread the news about your good deeds!
Your first act of kindness could be sharing this message with others through social media or a good old-fashion conversation. If you can convince one other person to join our initiative, you’ve already made the world a better place.
Although things can look a little scary at times, all hope has not been lost. The future has not been written. You can help shape it, for better or for worse. There are a lot of Tiny Tims out there – people who could use a square meal, a word of encouragement, or something even as simple as a smile on a difficult day. So let’s give it to them.
Any questions? Simply follow us on twitter @more4kids and DM us or use our contact form.
Young or old, tall or small, we can all make a difference. Perhaps we can’t change the world, but by golly we can certainly change the world for one person!